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Sunday Mornings

Sunday Mornings

Checking In

Each Sunday morning will begin by signing your children in at the "KidCheck" desk.  If you are new, we will have a volunteer there to help you navigate the system.  KidCheck is a secure, children's check-in service that we use to help us care for the children that are placed in our care each Sunday.  If you have already created a KidCheck account at another church, school or daycare, you can sign your children in on Sunday morning using your cell phone number.  If you have not created a KidCheck account and you want to do that before your visit, you can do so by clicking on the link and then selecting "login."  There you will find step-by-step instructions for creating a secure account and adding your child's information to it.  If your child has an allergy you can include that information into the KidCheck system and it will alert our workers of your child's particular allergies.  


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We would also encourage you to make sure that all of your child's items are labeled with your child's name.  That helps us keep things in order in our classrooms.

Once all of your children have been signed in we invite all of your family to join us in the sanctuary for our time of worship.

Family Worship

At Escalate we think there is great value in the family worshiping together, so we try to offer a time at the beginning of our worship service each week that engages the whole family - whatever the age. Singing is a great opportunity to worship God AND songs can also be a great aid in teaching children about God.  Upon the completion of worship, the children are dismissed to their classrooms where they will continue their morning with age-appropriate lessons and activities.




Children's Curriculum

We use the Gospel Project curriculum each Sunday morning to help teach our children. Because children are so important, we are committed to using what we consider to be the BEST curriculum available.  If you're interested in learning more about the curriculum we use, click on the Gospel Project link and you can find out more on their website.   

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