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The purpose of this blog is to provide an overview of weekly sermons and questions for weekly Connection Point discussions.

Archives for July 2012

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"Partners in Christ" - Summary of Paul's letter to the Philippians

We've spent the last twelve weeks working our way through Paul's letter to the church at Philippi. During those twelve weeks we broke apart the letter into different segments and concentrated on the emphasis of each of those individual segments. This week our goal is to connect those segments and to look at Paul's letter in its entirety - to see how those segments connec...

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Giving and the Gospel - Philippians 4:10-20

One of the central elements of the Gospel is the concept of 'giving.' It's one of the things which makes the Gospel such incredible news - that although we are sinners undeserving of anything but the full measure of God's wrath, we are given so many incredible things. But while God initiated the act of generous and gracious giving in the Gospel, those of us who are belie...

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You Want Me to Do WHAT?!?! - Philippians 4:1-9

Have you ever been asked to do something incredibly hard - perhaps even something you thought was impossible for you to do? What was your response? I know that I've been there before and my response was to simply write off the request. I quit before I even gave it a shot. I believe there are times when God asks those who are followers of Christ to do really difficult (...

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It's Time to "Join In" - Philippians 3:17-21

Think back on the last wedding reception that you went to. First question, "Did the DJ at the reception play a line-dance song?" I'm betting he did. Second question, "Did you join in and participate?" I don't know the answer to that question. But I have been to my fair share of wedding receptions and it seems like at every one the DJ plays at least one line-dance song...

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